About Us

Mr. F. P. Pakianathan

Succeeded Mr. L. N. Bird in 1971 and the numbers of pupils on rolls now increased from 640 in 1971 to 1200 in 1977. Mr. Pakianathan gave a much needed face-lift to the school.

Mr. J. A. Mason

Joined this institution as Principal in 1978. The scope of academic, cultural and extra-curricular activities was greatly increased, the school buildings renovated and the gardens nurtured with care. In this phase the school enjoyed increasingly, the goodwill and respect of the people of Calcutta. The expansion programme initiated by Mr. Pakianathan required additional accommodation, which was provided in December 1979 with the opening of the Schunker Block constructed over the school hall and annex, consisting of fourteen large and airy classrooms to accommodate the Junior School. Numbers during this period rose to 1800 with as much as ten per cent of the pupils studying at concessional rates or on freeships. 

Mr. D.L. Bloud

Took over from Mr. Mason in 1992. The number of qualified teachers rose to 70 and there was a steady all round development of the school. The school began to receive recognition at the national and international levels. 

Mr. T. H. Ireland

Joined as Principal in April 2000 and is still guiding the school with dedication and bountiful enthusiasm. Major structural changes have taken place under his stewardship. The school now has a covered basketball court, a state-of-the-art sports facility with 2 swimming pools and well equipped science laboratories and computer centre. Today, our school enjoys not only an excellent profile among the educational institutions of the city, it preserves a spirit of vigour and participation in life and a refusal to give in to the vicissitudes it has faced in the 148 years of existence. Over this period, this institution has shown a remarkable ability to bounce back in meeting the uncertainty of changing times, and its spirit of commitment and faith which characterizes the ethos of our school.